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About Us

Meet Our Leadership Team

Dr. Alan C. Rigby
Dr. Jon Moore
Chief Scientific Officer
Steven Klein
Dr. Claude Perreault
Dr. Pierre Thibault

Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Michael Kalos
Scientific and Clinical Advisory Board Chair


In 2022, we closed a $14M USD seed round from a transatlantic syndicate of top-tier international life sciences investors.

The company has backing from life science investors including Advent Life Sciences, CTI Life Sciences, Cambridge Innovation Capital, Le Fonds de Solidarité FTQ, the Harrington Discovery Institute and Novateur Ventures.


In addition to its top-tier international investor syndicate, Epitopea is also proud to be supported by a strong network of contract partners from the public and private sector, that are providing Epitopea with R&D related support.
Revealing Novel Targets For Next Generation Immunotherapies
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